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When Marketing is Good, but Sales are Down

As the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at TechSolutions, Lisa was responsible for driving the company's marketing efforts and ensuring their alignment with the overall business goals. It was a bright, sunny day in Silicon Valley when Lisa entered the CEO's office, hoping to report on her team's recent accomplishments. However, her understanding of the business was limited, and she was struggling to connect her department's performance with the company's broader objectives. This is the story of how Lisa overcame her performance issues and deepened her understanding of the business.

  1. The Meeting with the CEO

Lisa walked into John's office, the CEO of TechSolutions, with the intention of sharing her team's marketing successes. However, John quickly pointed out that the company's revenue targets were not being met. Lisa, lacking a comprehensive understanding of the business, was unable to see the connection between her department's performance and the company's revenue growth.

  1. Confronting the Performance Issue

Feeling a sense of responsibility, Lisa acknowledged her knowledge gaps and sought to understand the reasons behind the disconnect. She began by closely examining the sales funnel, hoping to identify the areas where the marketing efforts were falling short in terms of supporting the business's overall objectives.

  1. Building a Stronger Business Understanding

In order to deepen her understanding of the business, Lisa took several steps, including meeting with other department heads, attending cross-functional meetings, and enrolling in an executive education program. These efforts helped her grasp the intricate relationship between marketing and other aspects of the business, enabling her to make better-informed decisions about marketing strategy.

  1. Aligning Marketing Efforts with Business Goals

As Lisa's understanding of the business grew, she recognized that her department's marketing initiatives were not sufficiently aligned with the company's revenue targets. To address this issue, she began working closely with the sales department to ensure that marketing campaigns were designed to generate high-quality leads with the potential to convert into paying customers.

  1. Implementing a Data-Driven Approach

To further improve her department's performance, Lisa introduced a data-driven marketing approach. This involved using data analytics to identify patterns and trends, enabling her team to optimize campaigns for maximum impact. By leveraging data, Lisa was able to make more informed decisions and demonstrate the tangible results of her department's efforts.

Investing in Growth: How a CEO Hired a Former CMO to Coach Lisa and Unlock Marketing Potential

Recognizing that Lisa, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at TechSolutions, was struggling to align her department's performance with the company's broader objectives, John, the CEO, decided to invest in her professional growth. He understood that providing guidance and support would not only benefit Lisa but also contribute to the overall success of the business. To help Lisa overcome her performance issues and deepen her understanding of the business, John hired a former CMO as a coach and mentor. This is the story of how this coaching relationship transformed Lisa's approach to marketing and ultimately drove company growth.

  1. Identifying the Need for Coaching

John realized that despite Lisa's enthusiasm and dedication, her limited understanding of the business was preventing her from effectively leading her department. He believed that with the right guidance and support, Lisa could overcome these challenges and unlock her full potential as a CMO. After careful consideration, John decided to hire a former CMO with a proven track record in the industry to serve as Lisa's coach and mentor.

  1. Introducing the Coach

John introduced Lisa to her new coach, Karen, an experienced CMO who had successfully led marketing departments in various industries. Karen's extensive knowledge and firsthand experience in the field made her the perfect candidate to help Lisa navigate the complexities of her role and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the business.

  1. Coaching Sessions and Collaborative Learning

Karen and Lisa began a series of coaching sessions, during which Karen shared her insights, best practices, and lessons learned from her own career. These sessions allowed Lisa to ask questions, discuss her challenges, and receive valuable feedback from an industry expert. Through this collaborative learning process, Lisa gained a deeper understanding of the connection between marketing and the overall success of the business.

  1. Developing a Strategic Vision

With Karen's guidance, Lisa learned how to create a strategic vision for her department that aligned with the company's broader objectives. This vision served as a roadmap for her team, ensuring that their marketing efforts were directly contributing to the company's revenue targets. By developing a clear and focused strategy, Lisa was better equipped to make informed decisions and drive her department's performance.

  1. Implementing Best Practices and Continuous Improvement

Karen also taught Lisa the importance of adopting best practices and continuously improving her department's processes. This involved regularly reviewing campaign performance, analyzing data, and adjusting marketing strategies as needed. By embracing a continuous improvement mindset, Lisa was able to optimize her department's efforts and deliver tangible results for the company.

By investing in Lisa's professional growth and hiring a former CMO as her coach, John was able to unlock her potential as a leader and drive company growth. The coaching relationship between Lisa and Karen not only deepened Lisa's understanding of the business but also provided her with the skills and knowledge needed to align her department's efforts with the company's overall objectives. This story highlights the importance of investing in professional development and fostering a culture of learning and continuous improvement within an organization.


Lisa's journey as the CMO of TechSolutions taught her the importance of understanding the business as a whole and aligning her department's efforts with the company's broader objectives. By confronting her performance issue, deepening her business knowledge, and implementing strategic changes, Lisa was able to drive her team's marketing performance and contribute to the company's overall growth. The story serves as a reminder that a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape is essential for any executive looking to make a meaningful impact on their company's success.